Something New To Carve Into The Monument


Senator Roland Burris (D-Ill) in trouble.

Michelle Malkin

Ed Morrissey

There’s much more, all of it bad, and all of it proving that Burris and Robert Blagojevich wanted to build a way for Burris to contribute to the Blagojevich Enterprise without making it look like a purchase of the seat.  Burris never says that he was reluctant to hold a fundraiser during the conversation; in fact, he practically begs Blagojevich to allow him to hold one, while repeatedly reminding the governor’s brother of his interest in Obama’s seat.

Moe Lane

Zachary Roth at TPM

Marcel Pacatte at HuffPo:

There may or may not be anything legally actionable in the footsie Burris plays with Rob Blagojevich in wondering how to raise the money the brothers Blagojevich wanted and still make it look as though he wasn’t buying his way into the U.S. Senate, but it’s morally and ethically repugnant. The fact that he audibly works through this amoral relativism is damning enough. Harry Reid and Dick Durbin had it right the first time, before this evidence was public: He is unfit.

Burris is a disgrace and should resign. We know, however, that he won’t.

UPDATE: David Frum

UPDATE #2: Ta-Nehisi Coates

UPDATE #3: David Freddoso at The Corner

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